Module II: Function, Array, Structure and Union
Functions (Built-in, user-defined), Recursive function. Array: 1 – D, 2 – D, Matrix operations, String, Passing Array to Function, Structure, Union
Module III: Pointer & Dynamic Memory Allocation
Pointer Arithmetic, Parameter passing using pointers, Call by value vs. Call by reference, Passing parameters, pointer to pointer, pointer to function, Pointer to Structure, Array and pointers, Static vs. Dynamic memory, Pointer variables, Dynamic memory allocation functions [malloc (), calloc (), realloc (), free ()]
Module IV: Data Structures
Introduction to Data Structure, Linear Linked List: Creation, Insertion, Deletion. Stack, Stack applications (Infix to postfix, postfix evaluation), Queue (linear & circular)
Module V: Tree, Introduction to Sorting & Searching
Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree, Sorting (Bubble Sort, Quick Sort), Searching (Linear Search, Binary Search)